Vpisni roki za fakultete
Vpisni roki za fakultete

vpisni roki za fakultete

During his time at the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, he taught on the Public International Law course at the undergraduate level and related master courses. Gregor is currently working on his Marie Curie project which explores the ways in which the judges of the International Criminal Court perceive the Court’s judicial function and how this, in turn, impacts their legal practices.

vpisni roki za fakultete

His research and writing has focused on the international judicial function, and particularly how it is understood and carried out by the judges of different international adjudicative bodies international judicial behaviour and decision-making protection of minorities and indigenous populations through international courts discrimination, fair trial, criminal sentencing and the death penalty various transitional justice issues and how states and non-state actors have pushed back against international courts and tribunals. He received his PhD in Public International Law from the University of Maribor (Slovenia). Previously, Gregor was a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow in Law at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) and a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Law, Kyoto University (Japan). He is an expert in international criminal law and human rights law. Gregor Maučec is Visiting Assistant Professor of Law at New university, Faculty of Government and European Studies and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at iCourts – the Centre of Excellence for International Courts at the University of Copenhagen Faculty of Law. Kratka vsebina projekta: Hybrid Lab Network (HYBRID) is an exploratory project to promote innovation and good practices for Higher Education (HE) bridging areas. (iutk - trajanje 10 let, itrack, mc): te piškotke nastavi vtičnik iz, ki doda prikaz digitalnih publikacij.Piškotki se uporabljajo za štetje ogledov in za zbiranje podatkov o vašem sistemu.Dr.Google Map (SID - expires after 2 years, SAPISID - expires after 2 years, APISID - expires after 2 years, SSID - expires after 2 years, HSID - expires after 2 years, NID - expires after 6 months, PREF - expires after 8 months): are used to follow the number of users and to track their behaviour on Google Maps.Vimeo (_utma - expires after 2 years, _utmb - expires after 30 minutes, _utmc - expires at the end of session, _utmz - expires after 6 months, _utmv - expires after 2 years, vuid - expires after 2 years, _utmt_player - expires after 10 minutes): are used for anonymous data collection and reporting on viewing videos on Vimeo network.YouTube (PREF - expires after 8 months, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE - expires after 8 months, YSC - expires at the end of session.): are used to record the statistics of views, to track the preferences of users, and for the distribution of commercials on YouTube.Facebook (reg_fb_gate - expires at the of session, reg_fb_ref - expires at the of session, datr - expires after 2 years): are used for tracking the effectiveness of the registration, and to determine how the user originally came on Facebook to create the account.Google Analytics (_utma - expires in 2 years, _utmb - expires in 30 minutes, _utmc - expires at the end of session, _utmz - expires after 6 months, _utmv - expires after 2 years, _ga - expires after 2 years, _gat - expires after 10 minutes): are used for anonymous data collection and reporting of the navigation trough the site without identifying individual visitors.Session cookies: are used for temporary storage of information.The cookie does not store any personal information. The aim is to improve the functioning of the website.

vpisni roki za fakultete

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Vpisni roki za fakultete